Togetherness Helps Couples With Exercise
Togetherness Helps Couples With Exercise
Togetherness Helps Couples With Exercise
Q: How many calories will I burn today? A: The number of calories burned each day varies from person to person and is dependent on many factors. The first factor is a persons Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR is the number of calories burned at rest to maintain normal bodily functions. A persons BMR is [...]
Q: Is there a physiological or neurological reason why people yawn? Why does yawning seem contagious? A: Yawning is an involuntary action that causes us to open our mouths wide and deeply inhale. Yawning has been observed in animals and humans as young as 11-weeks old. Yawning can be associated with fatigue, stress, or boredom. [...]
Q: What is a muscle cramp? What causes muscle cramps? A: A muscle cramp is a sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles. A cramp produces a hard, painful, and bulging muscle. Most common theories/causes of a muscle cramp are: Muscle fatigue do to over exertion or heavy exercise Dehydration Pregnancy Heat cramps Treatments [...]
Q: As I progressed through my strength training at Fitness First, I have noticed a change in my physical appearance and my clothes fitting looser, but my weight has stayed about the same. Why? A: Strength training is a very efficient weight modification activity. As clients progress through the strength training appointments, they will gain [...]