Q: I have always been told to drink clear soft drinks versus water after the stomach flu.  Why?

A: When recovering from the flu, the goal is to increase your stamina by gradually increasing your fluid and food intake.  The first step is drinking clear liquids to hydrate and replenish nutrients that were lost due to the flu.

A clear soft drink is not necessarily easier on the stomach or better than water when starting the hydration process.  The best liquid is dependent on the body’s needs, what a person can keep down, and personal preference.

The following liquids are generally prescribed:

  • Water – purest form of hydration available
  • Clear soft drinks
  • Usually free of caffeine and other additives
  • Drink it flat – carbonation may irritate the stomach
  • High sugar content may irritate stomach
  • Sports drinks to boost the body’s electrolytes
  • High sugar content and additives may irritate stomach
  • Clear broths
  • Low acid fruit juices