Q: The holiday season is upon us.  It can be a happy and joyous time, but it can also be a frenetic, anxious, or depressing time.  What are some tips to help individuals manage the season?

A: The holiday season can be wonderful and yet challenging time.  Below are some tips to make the season a littler easier to manage.

Have modest expectations- don’t let the materialism and commercialization dictate how the holidays are supposed to look or feel

  • Plan ahead and stick to the plan
    • Be intentional about your holiday plans
    • What and who you will buy for this season
    • Where and when you will go places
    • Who you will spend time with
    • When breaks are needed from the hustle and bustle
  • Keep you habits – don’t let the holiday season dramatically change certain habits
    • Eating habits
    • Sleeping habits
    • Your normal routine
    • Alcoholic intake
  • Regular Exercise – it is great for burning calories, but also good for bouts of depression or anxiety
  • Get outside – sunshine, fresh air and physical activity are great ways to help us regulate stressors.

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