Q: When is it best to eat, before or after you exercise?  And when is the best time between exercise sessions?

A: It is best to eat before and after an exercising session.  The following guidelines are typically referenced when eating before and after a workout:

  • Before you exercise – Energy needed to fuel you through the workout.
    • Do not enter a workout hungry or on a empty stomach.
    • Typically want to eat 30 minutes to an hour before your workout.
    • Depending on intensity level, consume between 200 and 500 calories (Pre-workout snacks do not replace meals).
    • Calories should be a combination of carbohydrates and protein.
    • Do not workout on a full stomach. Your body needs energy to digest the foods you eat. Blood flow increases to your stomach to help in the digestion of food, leaving less energy-providing blood for the rest of your body.
  • After you exercise – Energy needed to assist in the recovery process.
    • Typically want to eat a snack or meal 30 minutes to 2 hours after a workout.
    • Intensity level will dictate the amount of calories needed after a workout.
    • Calories should be a combination of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.

A post-workout snack or meal helps replenish glycogen stores, protein stores, and helps rebuild muscle fibers (resulting in increased muscle mass and strength).